Sheldon College valued the opportunity to support

our students’ social and emotional wellbeing

We pride ourselves on the wonderful relationships we establish with our students and their families and we wanted this to continue during this approach of the Home Learning phase we implemented across the College. First and foremost, we are teachers of students who require our support for positive pastoral care and we continued to support our students in the following ways:

Junior College

Each Year Level from Years 1 to 4 had a nominated teacher who was the Pastoral Care Leader. This leader provided weekly Pastoral Care activities for students via their Home Learning tile on iLINQ. Each week addressed a different topic with related activities for students to complete. Students were also provided with a ‘Weekly Challenge’ to create a fun-filled and creative learning experience with which students can engage.

Key elements of the JC Pastoral Care approach included:

  • Weekly Junior College Pastoral Care themes. (Determined by the Director of Student Services).
  • Weekly Year Level specific tasks based on this theme. (Determined by the Junior College Pastoral Care Leaders).
  • Weekly tasks uploaded to iLINQ with the weekly Home Learning tasks.
  • Weekly challenges/ activities/ projects for students to complete.
  • A See Saw platform to showcase and highlight work in Years 1 to 3, and an iLINQ Social Stream to enable students in Year 4 to share their work and ideas with their peers and teachers.
  • Themes/ topics such as gratitude, healthy eating, exercise, the importance of sleep, staying safe online, relaxation techniques, being kind and ‘paying it forward’.
  • Weekly challenges such as paper plane building/ lego construction/ making a healthy meal.

Middle and Senior College

The Pastoral Care support for students in the Middle and Senior Colleges was developed and implemented by the Heads of Year. Each Head of Year posted weekly Pastoral Care updates onto the Student Year Level pages via iLINQ.

Key Elements of the Middle College / Senior College Program:

  • Weekly Pastoral Care themes. (Determined by the Director of Student Services).
  • Weekly Year Level specific tasks based on this theme. (Determined by the Heads of Year).
  • Weekly tasks uploaded to iLINQ via the Student Communication pages.
  • Weekly challenges/ activities/ projects for students to complete.
  • Themes/ topics such as Staying Safe Online, Limiting Device Use to ensure adequate sleep, maintaining positive relationships online, the value of Gratitude and Empathy and Time Management skills.