Students experience an enriching learning journey guided by dedicated educators who prioritise evidence-based teaching, constant improvement, and personalised attention for holistic development. Characterised by excellence in teaching and learning, our programs offer a balanced blend of explicit teaching and inquiry-based learning, encouraging children to explore, discover, and excel in a dynamic and supportive environment.

Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Our Primary College is a vibrant and caring community for students in Preparatory to Year 6, where state-of-the-art resources and stimulating learning environments ignite excitement, joy, and a sense of belonging. We strongly believe in the potential of every learner and invest time in getting to know and nurture each child deeply. Working in partnership with families, we guide students to reach their full potential and become confident, resilient, and resourceful lifelong learners. 


Our Prep Program is dedicated to nurturing curiosity, creativity, and a love of learning within a supportive and stimulating environment. Led by fully qualified Early Childhood Teachers and supported by dedicated Education Support Officers, we prioritise the development of early literacy and numeracy skills, laying a solid foundation for academic success. Emphasising evidence-based teaching and continuous improvement, our educators provide personalised attention that fosters both social and emotional growth.

Research consistently shows that a strong year in Prep correlates with impressive outcomes in Year 6, highlighting the pivotal role of early education in long-term academic achievement. At Sheldon College, we are committed to delivering an exceptional early education experience that sets the stage for a lifelong passion for learning.

In addition to academic excellence, our Prep students benefit from exclusive access to playgrounds and secure outdoor facilities tailored specifically to their developmental needs. These spaces promote physical activity, exploration, and imaginative play, complementing our holistic approach to education. By providing a rich array of learning opportunities both indoors and outdoors, we ensure that every child thrives in their educational journey from the outset.


Junior College
Prep to Year 4

In addition to core studies, our students benefit from subject specialist teachers across multiple fields, participating in various weekly specialist lessons, including; HPE, Music, Technology, Drama, and library visits. Our approach blends investigative learning, guided instruction, and explicit teaching to foster understanding and creativity.

Our modern facilities across the Primary College offer open learning spaces, story areas, and convenient access to bathrooms and outdoor environments. Excursions and incursions enhance the program, providing diverse experiences and connecting students with the wider community.



Sheldon College provides an ideal foundation for your child's educational journey, where they can explore, learn, and thrive within a supportive and vibrant environment.




Middle College
Years 5 to 8

The Middle College at Sheldon College is designed to meet the developmental needs of early adolescents, providing a unique program for Years 5 and 6 that ensures a smooth transition to Secondary. Students wear Middle College uniforms and attend structured classes led by two core teachers—one for English and Humanities, and the other for Mathematics and Science. This dual-teacher model enhances academic focus and empowers students to develop independence, confidence, and time management in a nurturing environment. Expert specialist teachers enrich the curriculum with Technology, Chinese Mandarin, Arts Rotations, Health and Physical Education, and more. Our supportive environment promotes social and emotional growth through daily Home Group sessions and weekly Wellbeing lessons.

Holistic Development

We provide varied and enriching experiences that foster the holistic development of every child: physically, socially, emotionally, and academically. Our curriculum builds collaborative inquiry skills and independence, encouraging innovative thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. Core subjects establish a strong foundation, with additional support available for both those needing assistance, or seeking extension.

With our unwavering commitment to exceptional teaching and learning, we prioritise explicit instruction in literacy and numeracy skills. This foundation empowers children to engage in deep learning across the curriculum while developing the essential skills needed for their future. 

Luminare, our comprehensive, bespoke wellbeing program covers a wide range of essential areas that empower learners to lead balanced and fulfilling lives.
