The program caters for individuals on Student Visas who are enrolled and who have all the reporting and attendance expectations of a Sheldon College student.

Who We Look For

Acceptance into this program is based on previous academic performance with results of above average expected in their own country; in addition to English language proficiency standards that will allow them to participate independently in all aspects of the rigorous Academic Program offered within Sheldon College mainstream classes. 


Set Up For Success

Students enrolled in this program will engage in all aspects of the Academic Program as outlined within the College website. Sheldon College sets up students for success by providing them with the skills, knowledge and values necessary to participate responsibly and successfully in a global society.


How To Apply

Applications for enrolment must be sent to [email protected] and must be accompanied by the following documents supporting the application:

  • Copies of the students' most recent academic records (in English)
  • A copy of applicant’s Passport and Birth Certificate
  • Written evidence of proficiency in English as a second language
  • An application fee of $AUD450.00


Translations, Processing and Testing

Where the above documents are not in English, certified translations in English are required, with necessary costs to be met by the applicant. An application for enrolment can only be processed when all of the above are in the hands of the Enrolments Officer. Assessment procedures include an evaluation of reports from previous schools and of English language proficiency. In cases where report cards are not available or are inconclusive for any reason, the College may require relevant testing of the applicant to assess the application.

Education Agents

Sheldon College works with a number of local and overseas agents to assist in the recruitment and support of international students. 

If you are an education agent and would like to partner with us in the recruitment of new international students to our Brisbane campus please download an Education Agent Application form for more information.

High School & Primary School Preparation

Sheldon College works closely in partnership with Browns English Language School and Union Institute of Language who provide quality High School Preparation (HSP) programs and Primary School Preparation (PSP) programs.

English Language Development

These are specialised programs designed to support students in the transition from targeted English language tuition to study in mainstream classes. The program focuses on the development of English language proficiency of content-specific knowledge and academic skills. Enrolment in this program ensures that students are set-up for success upon entry to Sheldon College.​​​​​​


Assisting Families

Our International Education Program Manager can assist families by facilitating and assisting with registration requirements for entry into this program. Upon completion of these programs, Browns and Union provide detailed advice and academic reports about students’ progress and work closely with the College in preparation for enrolment application processes.

We can also offer a ‘Visa packaging’ arrangement with all three language schools to further allow for a seamless passage to mainstream study at Sheldon College.

Download The 2024 Overseas Student Fees

Enrolment Enquiry

Enquire about becoming an enrolled long-term international student.

Enquire Today
