Mon, October 31, 2022
At Friday’s Senior Leader Induction Ceremony, we celebrated a changing of the guard amongst our students as a new cohort stepped up to lead the College in 2023.

College Captains, Vice Captains, Prefects and House Leaders were inducted in a moving ceremony which continues to prove a highlight in the College calendar.

In her speech, Principal, Ms Kate Mortimer challenged our Leaders of 2023 to lead themselves, before leading others. She explained that “to lead others well, you first need to lead yourself. Self-leadership is taking ownership of what you do and being intentional about where you are going.”

She asked the class of 2023 to “what the world and this College needs is a ‘melting pot’ of leadership.  We need room for lots of individuality and different personalities. We need quiet leaders, leaders who listen. Quirky leaders, with unique and different personalities.”

Finally, she requested that they place Love, Laughter and Learning at the heart of everything they do. 

We have every confidence that these remarkable young men and women are equipped with the essential skills to enable them to ably lead their peers through 2023.

Congratulations to the Senior Leaders for 2023:

College Captains: Jasmin Lane and Jacques Breet

College Vice Captains: Jemma Thompson and Noah Farrell

Academic Prefects: Liam Smith, Zane Colefax, Jacob Stead and Anais Pink

Sports Prefects: Brodie Blaser, Zoe Beith, Amelia McDonald and Madison Witt

Arts Prefects: Shae Marshall, Joseph Hanham, Elise McKillop and Amy Edwards

Wellbeing Prefects: Zoe Trott, Freddie Watmough, Zephyr Marlin and Hannah Monk

House Leaders: 

Integra: Oliver Kemp, Samantha Seager, Jaden Lee, Grace Needham, Arya Iyer and Hannah Spink

Qualitas: Diara Maistry, Callum Prowse, Daniel Gallie-James, Stephanie Jones, Joshua Baladi and Sophie Thomsen

Spiro: Frankie Allen, Harrison Lihan, Ruby Mather, Sovannary Seremet, Jo Chang and Lucy Norman

Valeo: Millie Rae, Nicholas Strufe, Kate Herd, Ryan Snell, Meg MacDonald and Riley McLaren