Applications for 2025 Scholarships now open

Achieve The Extraordinary

with a Scholarship from Sheldon College

Sheldon College offers a variety of Scholarships to encourage and support students with a range of different skills. We value excellence in the areas of academics, sport, music, and the arts.

In turn, Scholarship recipients have a responsibility to the Sheldon Community to engage deeply with their learning, to contribute to all areas of College life and to consistently uphold the College philosophy of Love, Laughter and Learning.


Sheldon College awards Academic scholarships each year to select current and external students entering Years 5 - 11. Eligibility for the scholarships requires applicants to take the Australian Council for Education Research (ACER) test. Those who perform well on the test may be awarded full or partial fee reductions, as well as specific workshops and additional support from staff mentors. Academic Scholarships are reviewed annually.

ACER testing

ACER Tests are a series of academic ability tests used across Australia to identify scholarship candidates by reliably differentiating among academically able students.

Applications Closed for 2025 Entry
Scholarship applications are now closed. All candidate families have been emailed communications regarding the upcoming testing day. If you have not received an email, please check your SPAM folder or contact [email protected]
Applications for 2026 Entry Open Late September 2024


Each year a limited number of Music Scholarships may be awarded to both external and current students entering Years 7 - 11. The purpose of this scholarship is to recognise outstanding talent within the College, encourage students outside the College to join based on exceptional talent and to complement the needs of our Music Programs.

Successful applicants will receive full or partial fee reductions at the Principal’s discretion. The recipient is expected to contribute to the Music program at the College, make solid academic progress and display conduct of a high standard. Music scholarships are reviewed annually.

Applications Closed for 2025 Entry


Applications Closed for 2025 Entry

Sheldon College offers a variety of Scholarships to encourage and support students with a range of different skills.  We value excellence in the areas of academics, sport, music, and the arts.

Kate Mortimer - Principal


Principal’s Scholarships are awarded each year to current students in Year 6, entering Year 7 and to external students entering Years 7 - 11. These scholarships are awarded to students who have a strong academic record and a proven ability to perform at an elite level in a co-curricular pursuit (for example, State level sport or outstanding achievement and leadership in the Performing Arts).

From the Scholarship applications received, a shortlist of candidates will be selected for interview with the Principal. Scholarships are awarded on the understanding the recipient will complete their education at Sheldon College.

However, the continuation of a scholarship is subject to the recipient making solid academic progress, contributing to the life of the school, continuing to strive for excellence in their chosen endeavour and displaying conduct of a high standard.

Applications Closed for 2025 Entry


Applications Closed for 2025 Entry
As applications are considered twice each year, aspiring candidates have the chance to apply throughout the year. All applications should be supported by an online portfolio.

Short-listed candidates will have the opportunity to highlight their individual talents and potential at an interview with the Principal.

Recommended portfolio inclusions:
  • A personal statement explaining your achievements, goals, and approach to personal management (time management, emotional regulation, growth mindset).
  • NAPLAN results and most recent Academic reports.
  • Evidence of your achievements (awards, results, performances).
  • Two written references from individuals supporting you in developing your specific area of interest coach, team manager, club president, producer).


This scholarship is means tested and may be awarded to an external student entering Years 5 - 8. It is awarded through to Year 12 to a prospective student who has a proven all-round ability based on school reports, references, evidence of high-level participation in co-curricular activities and leadership potential.

The scholarship aims to make the outstanding academic and co-curricular offering at Sheldon College available to a student of high potential who can develop into a young person of compassion, purpose, and commitment. The Bursary covers tuition fees each year.

As this scholarship is means-tested, parents of shortlisted candidates will be asked to supply CPA certified tax returns for three years and statement of assets and liabilities to the Director of Business and Finance. This information will be kept strictly confidential.

Applications Closed for 2025 Entry


The College also offers a ‘Create Your Own’ scholarship. We are a College who values individuality and are looking for creative, talented and uniquely gifted students, who may otherwise go unrecognised. We are seeking exceptional talent in a demonstrated skill.

We are purposeful in wanting to discover the depth and breadth of an individual’s capabilities and seek students who can dynamically contribute to the life of the College.

For example, perhaps you are exceptional in promoting social justice, advocating, environmental awareness, writing, app design, entrepreneurship,or sailing.

Applications Closed for 2025 Entry