Over its more than 20 year history, Sheldon College

has had the privilege of producing some extraordinary graduates

The following articles and video interviews focus on a selection of these Alumni students, giving us an insight into their adult lives, chosen professions, and how their time at Sheldon College has shaped their futures.



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Madina Mohmood

For somebody of such a relatively young age, 2013 Sheldon College graduate, Madina Mohmood, has already achieved enviable success and has contributed significantly and selflessly to the community. 

Madina attended Sheldon College from 2009 to 2013 and in Year 12 was the Sheldon College Female School Captain and the recipient of the Sheldon College Citizenship Award. This award was just the tip of the iceberg for what was to follow.

Since graduating from Sheldon College, Madina has made great strides in her endeavours to promote awareness in cultural diversity and empower young women within the community. She has completed a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Dual Degree at the University of Queensland (UQ), following her interests in human rights. 

Madina’s tireless commitment has also seen her recognised with the following accolades and accomplishments:

  • Australian Red Cross Queensland Youth Advisory Committee Member
  • Winner of 7 News overall 2019 Queensland Young Achiever of the Year and Women Empowering Others Awards
  • Redlands Coast Australia Day Awards Young Citizen of the Year 2019
  • Queensland Multicultural Awards Finalist 2018
  • Young Achiever Awards Finalist 2018
  • Hajera Bibi Seedat Award for Emerging Muslimah Leader of the Year Nominee 2018
  • University of Queensland President of the Year Finalist 2017
  • University of Queensland Pro Bono Award 2016
  • World Vision Queensland Youth Ambassador 2014

Sheldon College is very proud to have been part of Madina’s journey to develop into a change maker for the community and to see her on the International stage in community development and social enterprise with her dedicated work.

In 2014 Madina was selected as World Vision Queensland Youth Ambassador, travelling to Rwanda and learning from families experiencing poverty and injustice before speaking with high school students across Queensland about her experiences. Upon returning to Australia, Madina addressed the Sheldon College Assembly where she delivered a moving and thought-provoking speech, where she noted it was important for Australians to recognise the importance of diversity in society.

Madina and three of her colleagues started the University of Queensland Afghan Student Association (AfSA UQ) to support and assist the needs of Afghan students. She held the position of President in October 2016 to November 2017 and her work with AfSA has resulted in increased discussions around cultural diversity, inclusion and improved representation of Afghan culture in the media. She continues to advance the AfSA initiatives beyond the UQ community in her current role as Youth Representative at the Queensland Afghan Community Association.

When explaining her journey, Madina said, “I have been really interested in learning about different cultures, religions, beliefs and perspectives since I graduated from high school and I mainly pursued this by working with diverse communities. If someone had told me back in high school that I would become actively involved in the Afghan and Muslim communities in particular, I would have been very surprised because I didn’t identify with those communities at all when I was younger. The more I have engaged with diverse communities though, the more self-reflective I have become. I question my own beliefs more and I appreciate how my humanitarian values have been influenced by my identity as a ‘third culture kid’.”

When reflecting on her time spent at Sheldon College, Madina said “I think the supportive relationships between students and their teachers is a definite strength of the College and one that has been so important for my own personal growth and journey. Another would be the College’s support of different career paths. Along with high academic standards, Sheldon also provides so many brilliant extracurricular opportunities in the arts, sport, traineeships etc.” 

Madina still has many strong connections within her local Redlands community and loves seeing what her former classmates are up to, finding it fascinating to see how their paths have diverged in the past 6 years. “We are still finding our place in the world, each of us on our own unconventional path and even though we are all doing such different things, I think we have a strong educational foundation that will help us no matter where our journey takes us.”

Madina would love to see a civics education program added to the high school curriculum in Australia, stating that “young people are feeling increasingly disillusioned by politics and are either disengaging completely or turning to activism, protesting and social media to voice their concerns. I think the education system needs to respond to this by educating and involving young people in the democratic process so that they are prepared and informed by the time they reach the legal voting age.”

“It is wonderful to see Madina recognised for all of her courageous work, and to celebrate her selfless commitment to enabling change in the lives of young women. We look forward to seeing her achievements accumulate as she continues to inspire and empower” said Dr Lyn Bishop, Principal and CEO.

There is no doubt that Madina has the ability to continue to make a difference, as she continues to advocate correct media representations of cultural differences in a non-stereotypical and sensationalised way. She is an inspiring community ambassador who truly epitomises all that is good and great in the young women of today and for that we applaud her.

#uniofqld #empoweringwomen #humanrights #youngachiever #SheldonCollegeAlumni

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Tommy Archer

Tommy’s journey following his 2005 graduation from Sheldon College saw him enlist in the Australian Defence Force in 2009, joining the Royal Australian Infantry.

In 2012 Tommy deployed to Afghanistan on combat operations. He shared some of his experiences at our 2021 ANZAC Day Ceremony, when Tommy returned to Sheldon College as a special guest speaker.

Tommy painted a vivid picture of life in a modern war zone and shared some of the challenges he faced on his return. He spoke of the close bond of mateship and camaraderie he found in the Army and how “being home has never really felt the same since”.

Since discharging from the Army in 2013, Tommy has gone on to build a successful career in the Queensland Police Service, now working as a Frontline Skills Instructor, training Police officers in the skills required to deal with physically dangerous situations.

Despite professional accomplishments and being able to successfully apply skills and experience garnered during his time in the army to an alternative career path, he “struggled to find his place in a world where he wasn’t a soldier anymore”. Conversations with other returned servicemen revealed that he was not alone in this experience and have inspired him and fellow veteran, Shane Klupp, to produce the successful podcast, ‘The Maladjusted Monkeys’. With every episode, the series sheds light on the issues surrounding mental health and supports veterans and Emergency Service personnel in Australia and around the world adjust to a new normal.

Tommy is a shining example of how challenge can inspire us to grow. To hear more from Tommy, watch his ANZAC Day address below.

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Dr Tyron March

Tyron March, Sheldon College Captain of 2012, was awarded the Caltex All Rounder Award and the Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award during his time at the College. 

He was recognised for his all-round contributions to his school and local communities and praised for demonstrating strong values, respect for others and “mateship” – characteristics that are integral to Australian society and his chosen career path.

Tyron’s tenacity saw him go on to study a Bachelor of Medical Science and then complete his studies with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) from Griffith University on the Gold Coast. Now compassionately working as a Doctor at Cairns Hospital with a special interest in Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine, he also runs a business (Medkit Scrubs) supplying and distributing hospital scrubs across Australia.

During his studies at Griffith University, Tyron was honoured with the role of a Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS) leader for Anatomy and Physiology Advanced Systems 1 and 2. This role required Tyron to facilitate classes based on solidifying and extending the knowledge gained by the students. To further his passion and share his knowledge, Tyron also tutored privately across both primary, secondary and tertiary curriculum, specialising in Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, English and Health and Physical Education.

His mantra during his medical studies was “Medical school is a marathon, not a sprint”. Using various techniques, he always ensured to make time outside of medical school to socialise with his peers, catch up with colleagues, and live up to his title of “Resident Banter Lord” deservedly given to him by the AMSA Australian Medical Students’ Association. 

At Griffith University, Tyron also held the position of Chair of the Queensland Medical Student Council, providing state-based advocacy, which he feels was quite effective when in a state health care system. He got involved due to his strong passion for mental health and wellbeing in medical students and Tyron advocated very strongly in this field. “It was good to see changes, making great connections and contextualising my role in the medical industry locally and nationally, whilst building that sense of collegiality.” 

Tyron attributes his love of learning and entrepreneurial spirit to the values he was taught while attending Sheldon College. “It provided me with a safe environment to learn and grow academically and personally. I always valued the College’s willingness to foster student interests and push for excellence in all areas from the sporting field, to the stage, to space design competitions. It definitely instilled in me a firm work ethic and a desire to continue chasing opportunities to learn and grow personally. It is difficult to pick a favourite teacher, and the enthusiasm with which Sheldon teachers approached education only makes it harder. It would be remiss of me not to mention Mr Brenton Campbell and Dr David Hughes for encouraging a form of learning based upon curiosity, introspection and the joy of knowledge.”

“I still have an ongoing connection with a number of friends from my cohort, and we often cross paths either in the workplace, or at annual backyard sporting events that encourage all forms of hydration while competing,” laughs Tyron. “Some of my best memories of my High School days were the sporting events. AFL matches against local rivals and the annual trip to Toowoomba for the Indoor Volleyball Cup were something I looked forward to every year. Sheldon’s investment in its sporting teams and infrastructure is something I am continually in awe of. Whilst the classroom helped shape me academically, I strongly believe that the sporting fields and courts are what helped to shape me as a person.”

In recent times, in order to maintain a balanced and active lifestyle, Tyron enjoys hiking, exploring, and is a keen sportsman, participating in both AFL and Volleyball at a competitive level. Time management is something central to his life, and a challenge that he willingly meets for his passions. His bucket list is ever-expanding, including completing the Annapurna Trail in Nepal, seeing an AFL Grand Final, working in helicopter medical retrievals and he aspires to write a book at some point. 

With his award winning ‘Young Australian Filmmaker of the Year’ twin brother Cameron March, also a Sheldon College graduate, Tyron dreams of collaborating with him one day. Given unlimited resources, he would love to create a documentary together, on how critical medicine is delivered in foreign countries: Trauma in Cape Town (where Tyron completed an elective during his 4th year of medicine), Clinics in the Nepalese Mountains, Healthcare in Antarctica etc. “Think Bear Grylls’ “Man vs Wild” with a side of extreme medicine!”

When asked what course Tyron would choose to introduce into the curriculum, if he could, he enthusiastically replied “A course on critical thinking, how to identify and question bias, and how to develop an informed opinion. I believe these to be core concepts in transitioning from a student to an active citizen in our society. In a world of social media bubbles and confirmation bias, it is important to address and educate students on the fundamentals of fact-based debate and discussion. I would also advocate for a dedicated course on human health, anatomy and physiology - a topic that (by definition) would be relevant to every student. Giving students the instruction manual to their own bodies would not only foster a greater care for their health, but hopefully immunise them (pardon the pun) from industries that prey on a lack of understanding of how the body works.”

We’re excited to see where Tyron’s knowledge, determination and leadership takes him next as he continues to demonstrate compassion and selfless acts of kindness to the wider community and the world.

#Medkitscrubs #cairnshospital #Griffithuni #GUMS #SheldonCollegeAlumni

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Shelley Bishop

Shelley Bishop was the very first student enrolled at Sheldon College in 1997. A multi-instrumentalist, producer and music industry professional with global experience across multiple creative industries, Shelley has managed and led teams in many of the industry's biggest companies, including Studios 301, Chicago Recording Company, Paradigm Talent Agency and the Mushroom Group.

She attributes her passion for all things music to her beginning at Sheldon College from an early age.

Shelley graduated from Sheldon College in 2008, but proclaims her professional career commenced long before leaving the College, thanks to the ASTA (Australian School of the Arts) program. “I was in all the jazz bands, ensembles and combos. I was very heavily involved in music at Sheldon College. This was the deciding factor for me to move overseas and pursue my career in the music industry. Having the support of amazing teachers and all the opportunities at Sheldon catapulted me into this career path.”

Shelley holds a Master of Science in Leadership for the Creative Enterprises (USA) from Northwestern University in Chicago, a Bachelor of Music from Elmhurst College in Chicago and an Associate Diploma of Music from Trinity College London. Recently she has received a full scholarship for a PhD from the University of Technology Sydney in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, where she will research Generational Management Systems in the Workplace and Unconventional Leadership in the Creative Industries, as an industry candidate.

Being academically challenged is something that Shelley was very passionate about at school and has continued to be throughout her career to date. “Staying well connected in the academic world has definitely paid off,” Shelley notes.

“I would not be able to be in an operations role or run the facilities or staffing had I not completed a professional degree. I always saw myself on the creative side, and once I started dipping my toe into the managerial side of actually working in the music business, I really found my footing. Having those really valuable connections on the creative side only bettered my experience.”

Shelley acknowledges the professionalism of the ASTA program, the inspirational environment provided and the level of expertise available at Sheldon College, for her head start in the industry. This gave her a boost in confidence and made her more prepared than her peers at University. She notes “When we were at Sheldon, we were already gigging a few times a week with the jazz combos and musicals. It was already as though I was in the music industry. Going over to the USA when starting my degree I found that all the other students had come straight out of high school, whereas at Sheldon we had been running full productions. It was a huge leg up.”

Prior to Studios 301, Shelley worked for Mushroom Group as a booking agent, and spent 8 years in the United States working as a music producer/executive assistant at the legendary Chicago Recording Company, where she had the opportunity to work with acts such as Kanye West, Stevie Wonder, Lady Gaga and Mavis Staples, and co-wrote and produced many independent releases for U.S. artists. During this time Shelley was also a professional saxophone player who was writing, producing and recording in the studio at night and working during the day. 

While being the Studio Manager of Studios 301, the largest and longest running studio in the Southern Hemisphere, Shelley was overseeing all studio operations, activities of 35+ staff across 5 different departments, which included recordings, mixing, production, digitisation, events, sponsorships and education. Studios 301 has played host to every big international touring artist in Australia, working with a number of talented people such as Elton John, Lana Del Ray, Justin Bieber, Kanye West and Kelly Roland, to name but a few.

Shelley frequently has many Sheldon College students and teachers alike who reach out for support within the music industry. Her old music technology teacher, Matt Barnes, is the Studio Manager at Australia National University and they share a massive value exchange by collaborating together.

Shelley has studio-managed an amazingly talented Sheldon College Alumna, upcoming artist Micayla Van Wyk. Micayla has just started her professional career by going to the Conservatorium of Music, and Shelley is helping her to navigate her way through opportunities by offering her mentoring advice. She is assisting by getting her in front of the right people to allow Micayla’s talent to speak for itself. Shelley’s offer of connecting Micayla with producers and engineers to get some material together has resulted in Studios 301 mixing and mastering her latest release which was nominated for an award at the 2020 Queensland Music Awards.

Studios 301 also fully mixed and mastered ‘Soul Fruit’, by Brisbane’s ‘Pink Matter’, a neo-soul collective, featuring another skilful Sheldon College Alumna, Isobel De Leon. Pink Matter’s modern, individual outlook and almost West Coast style rhythm ensured they won the Soul / Funk / RNB Award at the 2020 Queensland Music Awards, which Shelley proudly attended recently.

Shelley is also passionate about helping others by providing strategic leadership solutions and exploring contemporary pedagogies, with a lengthy tenure lecturing across the globe in creative industry innovation and management. In an attempt to bridge the gender gap in the music industry, recently she was a workshop leader at an APRA AMCOS workshop for women and non-binary people on the art of music production.

“I have such an appreciation and a huge respect for the drama teachers and the music teachers of the College. Not many other schools offer the quality and level of expertise of the teachers. They are all working professionals in their own right and they are the ones who make you feel as though you can achieve something, that you can chase it, that you can do it. At the time you don’t really realise the impact they are having on you, then you go on to work in the music industry and had it not been for their unwavering support, and for the time they put into the children, we wouldn’t feel as though we would be able to pursue it.”

Shelley believes she has found the perfect career to suit her personality. “I absolutely pinch myself. Growing up in Brisbane, living in the Redlands, to now running some of the biggest companies in the business. It's an absolute dream.”

#ASTA #northwesternuni #elmhurstcollege #trinitycollegelondon #UTS #music #SheldonCollegeAlumni

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Jess Conte

Jess’ fame began when she was 19/20years of age as other young women found enjoyment when watching her make up tutorials, lifestyle vlogs and with her song covers on social media channels.

In 2016, Jess met her now husband, Gabe Conte, also a social media influencer. Together they have attended many red-carpet events, covered many songs and have even started their own joint YouTube channel called Jess and Gabriel.

Married in December 2016, Jess and Gabriel Conte are considered as one of the most loveable internet celebrity couples and together they have a massive fan following for their joint website. 

Jess comes from a musically inclined family and she started training in music all through her school life. With time she gained more confidence in her vocal abilities and started posting her songs and covers of various pop hits online.  She also released an EP of cover songs in February 2017. 

She is also a talented graphic designer and often shares her work with her fans online. She now travels regularly between Brisbane and the USA, where her husband is based, to spend time with him. Together with her husband, she continues to share the bright and melodious moments from their life with the world.

#jessconte #gabrielconte #jessandgarbrielconte #youtube #instagram #SheldonCollegeAlumni

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Cameron March

Over the years, Cameron has built himself a successful career, even making Sheldon College’s recent and outstanding video advertisement - Achieve the Extraordinary.

In late 2019, Cameron moved to Vancouver Canada to join in on the making of a number of TV productions that air on the Netflix, Sony and CBS Networks.  

Cameron has earned himself a number of outstanding achievements over the course of his career. Some of these include:


  • Official Selection - And The Winner Is - Screamfest Los Angeles
  • Official Selection - And The Winner Is - Gold Coast Film Festival


  • Silver Dolphin Cannes Corporate Awards - Autism Awareness Web Clip - Hugo Weaving
  • Best Director - The Neon King - Freshflix Film Festival
  • Best Cinematography - The Neon King - Freshflix Film Festival
  • Bronze Australian Cinematographers Society Award - Astral Daze (Short Film)


  • Silver Australian Cinematographers Society Award - Elly (Short Film)
  • International Filmmaking Academy (Italy) - One of twenty students worldwide to participate in intensive workshop run by Oscar winning Danis Tanovic and Oscar nominated director Claudia Llosa
  • Cannes Short Film Corner - The Neon King
  • Winner of Young Australian Filmmaker of The Year - Byron Bay International Film Festival - The Neon King
  • Official Selection - Noosa International Film Festival - The Neon King

Check out the behind the scenes video below, where Cameron explains how during a 3 month process from start to finish, he collaborated with 2011 Alumni students Sean Ryan and Caleb De Leon to see the Sheldon College vision come to fruition by creating and producing a stand out piece of content, that sets a new benchmark in school marketing - The Achieve the Extraordinary Cinema Campaign.

#griffithuni #achievetheextraordinary #cinematographer #director #SheldonCollegeAlumni

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Iain Henderson

Just before he was due to graduate in 2011, Iain received an offer from the Griffith Conservatorium of Music to study a Bachelor of Music which he completed in 2014.

Over the years Iain’s love for music, most particularly Opera, has continued to grow, demonstrated by his ability to complete his Master of Music Performance at the Royal Northern College of Manchester within 12 months.

Since then Iain has also completed a Postgraduate Diploma in International Artistry and spends his time travelling to various locations throughout the world, performing as a well-respected Classical Tenor, even earning himself the following awards.

  • 2016 Noosa Federation of the Arts Dame Joan Sutherland Award
  • 2014 Joyce Campbell-Lloyd Scholarship
  • 2014 Donald Penman Prize for Voices in Combination
  • 2013 Ronald Dowd Memorial Prize for Tenors

Iain has performed with Opera Queensland, Queensland Symphony Orchestra, Opera North (UK), Buxton Opera Festival (UK), Glyndebourne Festival Opera (UK), Les Azuriales Young Artist Festival (France) and many other companies both as an ensemble member or soloist.

#RNCM #griffithconservatorium #classicaltenor #soloist #qldopera #SheldonCollegeAlumni

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Jamie Hiscock

Youth Olympian, Cross Country and Steeplechase star Jamie Hiscock commenced her love of sport at the young age of 4 at Sheldon College. It was a pathway she was destined towards as she excelled in several sports ranging from Running to Touch Football, Soccer, Netball, Volleyball and Basketball. 

Since graduating in 2018, Jamie has completed a full year of a dual degree, a Bachelor of Business Management/ Secondary Education at the University of Queensland. Later this year, she will be moving to Florida, America to continue studying whilst competing as a student athlete in the NCAA American College System, an achievement she is very proud of and an adventure that she cannot wait to embark upon, as she loves to travel.

Jamie shares with us: “I am a massive sporting fan - so everything to do with sports I am obviously very interested in. I also really enjoying travelling and socialising. I feel as though these experiences are once in a lifetime and I am so grateful I have had the opportunity to achieve my goals and travel the world whilst doing so.”

Jamie became inspired in her career path, after attending the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast in April 2018. Over the two years since, some of Jamie’s key achievements include: 

  • Competing at the International School Sport Federation World Schools Cross Country Championships at the Champ de Mars, in Paris, where she successfully represented Australia.
  • Gaining the Oceania Title for the 2000m Steeplechase in Vanuatu. 
  • Being selected for the Australian team which competed in the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina, coming 5th overall for combined Steeplechase and Cross-Country events. 
  • Sheldon College Sportswoman of the Year.
  • Winner of the National Cross-Country Championships, under 20s age category (6km).
  • Winner of the Australian Athletic Championships, for the 1500m under 20s.
  • Recipient of the Pierre de Coubertin Award presented by the International Olympic Committee, to athletes who have striven to live and compete by the Olympic values each day.

The champion athlete was involved in a wide range of sports during her schooling, challenging her particularly in Year 12 as it meant she had to develop strong time management skills to ensure she was balancing gruelling athletic disciplines with her academic requirements to continue to produce high standards in the classroom. Athletics and academics are both equally as important to Jamie, as she strives to do her absolute best in all that she sets her mind to.

“My favourite subjects at High School would definitely have been Physical Education and Business Management, with Miss Cossettini being my favourite Teacher. She is such a personable and honest person and only wants the best for her students. I can honestly say she played a significant part in assisting me balance my running and studies throughout Year 12 and helped me achieve my goals,” said Jamie. “I would like to think my teachers would describe me as a bubbly, respectful, balanced young adult. I think they would consider me as dedicated, persistent and someone who always tries their best - whether it be athletically, academically or socially.” 

“Sheldon’s strengths would unquestionably have to be the facilities on offer to the students - they are honestly world class and as students, we are so lucky to have these on our doorstep. Additionally, the teachers of the College play a massive role and they are always willing to support their students - whether it be personal or academic support. I have cherished all my memories from high school at Sheldon and will never forget them.”

In recent times elite international athlete Jamie, has returned to Sheldon College to help coach the athletics team. “I am also still quite close with my friends and some teachers in particular. We enjoy catching up together and keeping in touch even with our busy schedules. Sheldon also encompasses a ‘family-like’ community and although I may not be a student of Sheldon anymore, I still feel as though I am a part of the Sheldon College Family and hopefully will be for many years to come.”

If Jamie had one year and unlimited funds, she would firstly give back to the community, with her first donation going to the Brain Cancer for Children Research, as this is a charity that is very close to her heart. She would particularly like to volunteer to youth groups through sport, both overseas and in Australia and Indigenous communities. Jamie would also love to travel specifically to the Netherlands, to visit her family and learn more about her heritage. One day she longs to travel around Europe, ski in Baker’s Creek USA and to run a marathon at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. 

Jamie continues to motivate herself and others as she continues to strive from strength to strength, “This would have never been made possible if it wasn’t for my coaches, parents and sister and teachers who constantly support me throughout my athletic pursuits. From Year 7 through to Year 12, I also received Academic Merits and Subject Excellence Awards, which I believe shows how important it is to be a well-rounded athlete, whilst still focussing on my studies.” 

This belief and dedication will see Jamie constantly race forward and overcome life’s hurdles. As she chases her goal to represent Australia donning the green and gold on the world stage again, but this time in a senior team, ideally the Commonwealth Games or Olympics, we will continue to support and encourage this star of ours from the sidelines.

#uniofqld #universityofflorida #GoGators #UFGators #athlete #NCAA #SheldonCollegeAlumni

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Megan Washington

Platinum selling, ARIA award winning musician Megan, who works mononymously as Washington, has also landed a slot on one of Australia’s most loved animated television series for preschool children, ‘Bluey’, playing the role of Bluey’s teacher, Calypso.
  • In 2010 her album ‘I Believe You Liar’ won two ARIA Music Awards, for Best Female Artist, and Breakthrough Artist – Release.
  • In 2011 she won Breakthrough Songwriter of the Year in the APRA Awards for her album ‘I Believe You Liar’. 

During Megan's time at Sheldon College, she passionately attended ASTA (The Australian School of the Arts), played the lead role in the 2002 Musical (‘Guys and Dolls’), and then went on to excel in various musical avenues. She studied a Bachelor of Music at Queensland University of Technology, and then jazz voice at Queensland Conservatorium of Music.

On the 28th August 2020 Washington released an evolving new studio album 'Batflowers', with a creative single titled 'Dark Parts' on it. The animated video accompanying the release is filled with intriguing creatures that were hand-drawn by Megan.

Due to COVID-19 national and international travel restrictions, Megan used the time away from touring to be able to unite her long-held passion for visual arts with her professional music career.

“I used to draw a lot when I was young and I am a visual artist, but I never connected it to my music artistry because I never felt that I had the permission to do it. I feel like I don’t need that permission because it’s coronavirus and it’s lockdown, and what are we going to do?"

“So I’ve always wanted to animate, I already draw, so why don’t I draw on my iPad and what am I going to draw? How about my lyrics video [for 'Dark Parts’]? It was a combination of lockdown and exhaustion and panic, and a desire to give people some fun stuff to have.”

Creating a 12-track cinematic extravaganza has been a significant distraction for the talented musician during the pandemic lockdown.

#meganwashington #ASTA #ARIA #QUT #griffithconservatorium #batflowers #darkparts #SheldonCollegeAlumni

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Stephen Gibson

After being the first of the large Gibson family to graduate from Sheldon College in 2003, Stephen went on to spend the next five years studying a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Business at Griffith University.

After starting at McCarthy Durie Lawyers in 2008 upon his University graduation, he has since paved his way to the top and is now one of the firm’s Directors, responsible for leading the McCarthy Durie Lawyers Property Law Department.

Stephen is known for being one of the very few lawyers accredited by the Queensland Law Society as a Specialist Property Lawyer. He also sits on many boards and panels external to the firm, including that of the Sheldon College Alumni Advisory Board (AAB).

When asked about his time at Sheldon College, Stephen explained “It's the underlying character ethics that you pick up at Sheldon College. It’s the discipline, it’s the professionalism, the way you present yourself, the way you organise your affairs. It’s just the way you do things. Sheldon produces impressive candidates in any workplace, who work hard, show up on time every day and succeed in life.”

“It’s the values inherited from an environment geared towards producing results. Sheldon College is a cultivator for success. It’s the community and quality of peers you associate with, providing excellent mentors and support and creating potential local clients and business opportunities. Those are all things that go towards making people successful in their careers. It’s about the transferable skills, how you critically analyse things and solve problems. Those are the enduring things that you inherit.”

"Sheldon College is an ideal environment in which to learn... I wouldn’t want to send my children anywhere else. There was no doubt or question that we would be sending our children there. It’s always been a no-brainer."

#MDL #propertylaw #griffithuni #SheldonCollegeAlumni



Jack Kidd, Speech at 2020 Graduation Ceremony
The brilliant address by Jack Kidd who graduated from Sheldon College in 2008, brought the year to a highly emotional closure at the 2020 Graduation Ceremony. Jack has a phenomenal way with words and is so articulate in his delivery, which along with his powerful messages for the students, capped off a spectacular ceremony. He is one very special young man and we believe every graduating student in the country should hear his influential speech.
2017 DUX of Sheldon College, Elizabeth Fisher
Elizabeth graduated from Sheldon College in 2017 and is currently studying a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Biomedicine at The University of Queensland, after receiving their prestigious UQ Excellence Scholarship. Elizabeth tells us about her entry into the University College London and where she hopes to extend her career. 

Caleb De Leon
In 2011, Caleb graduated from Sheldon College after completed the Sheldon College Australian School of the Arts (ASTA) Program. Caleb went on to study a Bachelor of Film and Screen Media Production at Griffith University. Caleb has produced many high-profile commercials and now works for Alt VFX, a multi-award winning Visual Effects studio founded in Brisbane with studios across the world. 
Kelly Rowe
Kelly graduated from Sheldon College in 2004 and gained a place in the prestigious Queensland College of Art, where she went on to complete a Bachelor of Communication Design. Kelly has also worked throughout the Pacific region for a range of not-for-profit organisations. Currently Kelly is based in Melbourne working with Save the Children Australia as a lead designer.
Ryan-John Keates
Ryan graduated from Sheldon College in 2008 and went on to study Fine Arts (Animation) at QUT. He worked briefly in Brisbane before taking up a leadership position in San Francisco with Telltale Games. An outstanding digital artist, Ryan has aspirations to start up his own video game company in the future.


Please find below a full list of the College’s Alumni staff and the wonderful roles that they have;

Brooke Armstrong (2017) – Events and Kitchen Cashier, Meg Bagnall (2015) – Childcare Assistant, Shreyasi Baruah (2017) – Childcare Assistant, Michael Bottomley (2016) – Groundsperson, Cathal Brennan (2018)- Childcare Assistant, Azelle Breytenbach (2018) – Uniform Shop Assistant, Nathan Burgess (2007) – Head of Sport, Charlotte Carmichael (2016) – Childcare Assistant, Bridie Claffey (2016) – Childcare Assistant, Ned Claffey (2018) – Childcare Assistant, Lauren Cossettini (2006) – Drama Teacher and Head of Year 8, Cindy Duffner (2015) – Childcare Assistant, Kaitlin Emerson (2014) – Year 1 Teacher, Katie Fortnum (2016) – Childcare Assistant, Matthew Gammie (2006) – HASS Teacher, Taylor Gray (2014) – ASTA Staff, Dance, Tenielle Hall (2006) – Administration Assistant – Faculty of the Arts, Brogan Hunter (2008) – Head of Sports Enrichment, Sarah Hutley (2011) – Kindergarten Teacher, Melanie Kerr (2016) – Childcare Assistant, Matthew King (2018) – Cleaner, Ellie Lawson (2018) – Childcare Assistant, Kaylee Lim (2014) – Administration Assistant, William Martineau (2010) – Performance Music Teacher, Joshua McHugh (2008) – Health and Physical Education Teacher, Emmerson McMillan (2017) – Childcare Assistant, Paris Northwood (2015) – Childcare Group Leader, Candace Parkyn (2007) – Technology Teacher, Leonie Stienstra (2004) - Cleaner, Liezl Theunnisen (2015) – Childcare Assistant, Mikayla Van Wyk (2016) – ASTA Staff – Dance + Drama, Jack Vernon (2017) – Content Producer.

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