At Sheldon College we love the energy

and uniqueness of Kindergarten children

It is this inherent love of children that led us to develop a program committed to laying the foundations that will provide children with a wonderful platform for lifelong learning. 

We are a 'project based' Kindergarten, where our year together revolves around a series of special events that are derived from the children's interests and needs. These learning experiences are educationally challenging for each individual child, with the children engaging in so much fun that they will sometimes forget that they are learning. The vital contribution of early childhood education lies in developing and broadening the range of children's learning experiences to help them become confident, eager and enthusiastic learners who are looking forward to school. The Kindergarten program is part of Sheldon College and therefore reflects the Mission Statement of the College.

The Kindergarten Program is fully accredited and is delivered by University qualified Early Childhood Educators.
Kindergarten teachers at Sheldon College use the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline to inform their planning. 

A copy of this curriculum document can be found at The Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines (QKLG) provide advice for planning, interacting with children, monitoring and assessing, and sharing information in Kindergarten contexts. Our program has a specific emphasis on play-based learning and recognises the importance of preparing your child with the skills, knowledge and dispositions necessary to enter their Preparatory Year of schooling with confidence and enthusiasm. 

Exceeding the National Quality Standard.

All Kindergarten services in Australia are assessed against against the National Quality Standard. Each services assessment and rating is undertaken by an independent officer from ACECQA - the state and territory regulatory authority.

Our Kindergarten is acknowledged for its outstanding level of care and service and has been recognised as EXCEEDING THE NATIONAL QUALITY STANDARD.

“Your service is acknowledged for its achievements in Exceeding the National Quality Standard and striving for quality outcomes for children. In particular, positive relationships with children and staff and collaborative partnerships with families demonstrates the commitment shown by educator, staff and management.”

ACECQA Assessor

Opening Hours

Our Kindergarten program operates as a three unit centre. We operate during school term dates only from 8:20am to 3:00pm Monday to Friday.  In addition to these hours of operation, Before and After Kindergarten care is available on the Kindergarten premises.

Explore Early Learning