Wed, November 10, 2021
This year’s Senior Art Exhibition was attended with enthusiasm and awe as a crowd gathered to view the creative results of our very talented art students. 

Students in Year 9 exhibited a range of art works which featured their exceptionally skilful drawings and imaginative Pop Art inspired clay sculptures. Portraits were the highlight of the Year 10s artwork; the diverse range of techniques beautifully captured the spirit of their portrait, affording the viewer a unique insight. Our Year 11’s impressed with their conceptually deep art works that explored and experimented with concepts that challenged the world around them. 

The artwork from the graduating Year 12 student’s proved the real showstoppers, as their complex and innovative bodies of work gave an insight to their deep conceptual understanding of the environment and times we live in, often challenging the audience to consider their own participation in the issues being explored.   

To support our artists the audience were entertained by the beautiful voices of Sophie Smith, Katrina Ward and Amy Edwards. 

Sheldon College Senior Visual Art Teacher Mrs Cathryn Sculley reflected that “It is so inspiring to see our students using their artwork to calm themselves, motivate and speak for them in times where they are confronted by so many external pressures. We are so very proud of them all.”

Thank you for sharing your artwork with us!