Fri, September 18, 2020

On Thursday 17th September, Year 3 students hosted their My Place Incursion, a creative culmination of the work that they developed throughout the term, inspired by Nadia Wheatley’s book “My Place”.

This authentic educational experience provided a wonderful opportunity for our students to share their treasured special memories, with the theme being ‘Connections between people and places.’

There were many components that the students worked on, such as writing about themselves and their significant memories; producing a thoughtful autobiography; exploring how aspects of the past are remembered; and why some elements may change or stay the same.

Students interviewed a member of an older generation in their family, wrote questions designed to uncover details about this memory, then later shared this within their own memory box. Students then published and recorded their very own podcast, describing their individual memories, and included creative artwork and maps that accompanied this piece.

Year 3 student Toby Volker said “I loved bringing back memories by illustrating and writing my own autobiography. My whole class helped and inspired me during this project, and it was exciting making my first podcast.”

Unfortunately, due to the current Government restrictions, we were unable to invite our Parents and Special Friends along to share this special day. Nevertheless, given the extraordinary work that has been produced this term, we took the opportunity to invite a different audience, the Year 6 students, as they are familiar with this unit of work from their time in Year 3.

They took part in a gallery walk where they found out about the lives of our younger students as they read their My Place page, listened to the audio recordings of their significant memory and got to know the Year 3 students a little better by sharing Afternoon Tea in the garden together.

Olivia Butler exclaimed “I picked the real leaves myself from the Year 3 garden, to make my 3D illustration, which is of me and my family riding an elephant in Thailand. I got to make a movie and podcast so I could share my memory of this great holiday with everyone and it was so much fun.”