Mon, March 15, 2021

During the College Assembly on Friday 12 March, we had the pleasure of welcoming our Middle College Leaders and House Leaders to their leadership roles. 

These young leaders will play a significant role within the College and in the wider community. The selection process was exhaustive as each student completed both a written application and delivered a speech to their peers, followed by students and teachers voting for their preferred leaders.  

Year 8 Head of Year, Mrs Joanna Todd, announced the 2021 Middle College Leaders before they recited their Middle College Leader pledge.  Mrs Todd noted that “All the students tackled the application process beyond our expectations, and an exceptional list of applicants was created. The task of selecting the successful leaders was very challenging due to the quality of applications we received.”  

2021 Middle College Leaders

House Leaders were selected from the Year 9, 10 and 11 cohorts to represent their house with pride.  “The successful applications were chosen because they are always good role models and represent the College proudly and with enthusiasm”, said Mr Matthew Barling as he introduced the House Leaders to the College Assembly.  “They will lead their peers in sporting, cultural and academic pursuits in a healthy competitive environment that focuses on fostering participation and inclusion of all students and high levels of integrity.” 

2021 House Leaders

We are confident that all the leaders inducted will wear their badges with pride and do themselves and all of us proud as they carry out their leadership duties.

Congratulations to the Middle College Leaders for 2021: 

  • Harrison Beard 
  • Charlotte Boniface 
  • Sienna Coates 
  • Mackenzie Dixon 
  • Sadara Gamage 
  • Bailey Gregson 
  • Stephanie Jones 
  • Samreen Kaur 
  • Noah Kim 
  • Jacob Logan 
  • Meg Mather 
  • Vanessa McLay 
  • Vania Mead 
  • Grace Needham 
  • Angela Seager 
  • Ryan Snell 
  • Luka Wegner 
  • Olivia Wu 

Congratulations to the House Leaders for 2021: 

Integra – Year 9 

Madison Barrett, Luke Wills 

Integra –  Year 10 

Zane Colefax, Hannah Monk 

Integra – Year 11 

Clare Monk, Joshua Thompson 

Spiro – Year 9 

Jo Chang, Lucy Norman 

Spiro – Year 10 

Brodie Blaser, Maddison Witt 

Spiro – Year 11 

Jasdeep Renny, Isabella Treasure 

Qualitas – Year 9 

Bailey Singleton, Sophie Thomsen 

Qualitas – Year 10 

Amy Edwards, Liam Smith 

Qualitas – Year 11 

Cooper Jones, Olivia van Gool 

Valeo – Year 9 

William Hamilton, Flynn Mather 

Valeo – Year 10 

Noah Farrell, Jasmin Lane 

Valeo – Year 11 

Grace Hamilton, Jasper Hamilton