Thu, April 1, 2021

Throughout 2020, guided by Professor Marilyn Fleer from Monash University's Playlab, Mrs Kristy Edwards and Ms Tiana Gillman implemented the Conceptual PlayWorld pedagogy into the Daisy Allsort's room at Wonderland.

The  Conceptual PlayWorld  is an evidence-based model of intentional teaching that values children's play and stories in their learning of STEM concepts. A Conceptual Playworld takes place in an imaginary scenario where children are invited to go on imaginary journeys, meet and solve challenges, and learn STEM concepts, all while playing.  

The Daisy Allsorts went on many imaginary journeys, down to the garden to help The Very Hungry Caterpillar find the food required to complete his metamorphosis, Off to the moon with Baby Bear. The Daisy's also spent time in the beautiful bushland of the College, helping "Wombat" find alternative ingredients to save himself from ending up as "Stew".  

The children's love of learning and engagement in the PlayWorlds was clear to see. Monash University was so impressed that earlier this year they spent a day at the College filming with Mrs Edwards and Ms Gillman to produce a video, with the intent of inspiring educators globally to "Have a go" at implementing the Conceptual PlayWorld pedagogy into their classrooms.  

From the snippets that we have seen, the end result will be worth the watch.