Mon, April 6, 2020
Last week proved to be a ground-breaking week for our Performance Music teachers. After a crash course in teaching vocal and instrumental lessons via Zoom on Monday morning, the teachers and tutors launched into what is for them, a whole new world … and by the feedback we have received, it would seem they have done a sterling job despite the steep learning curve and initial technological challenges.

What is particularly striking about the parent feedback is how much parents are enjoying having a window into their children’s “school lives” and the interactions they have with their teachers. 

Congratulations to all our Performance Music Teachers and Administrators on your dedication to your students, for stepping up and for overcoming these challenges to ensure our Performance Music Program continues to thrive. 

Here is what some of our parents had to say: 

“This was a much-needed lesson. It was a mental health break for my son, reconnecting with his friends. I’m peeking through the door and he seems to be loving it. Good work Sheldon!”

“(My daughter) is having a music lesson right now with Mrs Blair and it is absolutely fantastic! Mrs Blair talked us through all the technical issues, and it is so wonderful to see them interacting together. Can you please pass on a huge thank you to Mrs Blair and let Dr Bishop know that it works wonderfully, a fantastic solution until (my daughter) can return to the College.” 

“Thanks for organising (the lessons), all my kids loved them and I believe all lessons were a success.” 

“I just had to say the biggest “thank you” to you all for the online music lessons. (My son) just had his first at home music lesson and he loved it. Guitar has been a big part of his life since Year 2 and he was wondering how it would factor into this online platform. His lesson today has put his mind at ease… seeing Mr Merry today in uniform and in the classroom was really comforting in this crazy week.”

“(My daughter) had a great experience with her lesson yesterday so thank you for organising! The kids are actually all really looking forward to continuing music this way.” 

“(My son) absolutely loved his Zoom lesson today, thank you so much.” 

“ I just wanted to let you know that yesterday’s Zoom music lesson went really well. Both (my daughter) and I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed listening to the direction and music language Mrs Larsen used throughout the lesson. (My daughter) responded well to her direction and the lesson flowed very smoothly.” 

“Overall the lesson went very well, Mrs Collis was excellent to work with, timely, clear to see and hear. Thank you for your amazing support and the Sheldon Teaching Community at large during such extenuating circumstances.”