Fri, October 30, 2020

At this morning’s Senior Leader Induction Ceremony, held in the Sheldon Event Centre, the 2021 College Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects were inducted. 

This event is an annual highlight in the College calendar and this year’s ceremony proved to once again be a special one for the students and staff in attendance, along with the families watching via live stream.

All Senior Leader announcements were met with much jubilation from the audience. The occasion provided Founder and Principal/CEO, Dr Lyn Bishop OAM, the opportunity to examine the topic of leadership and the important role that the Senior students play in maturing the culture of Sheldon College as it approaches its 24th year of operation. 

“If you work as a team, together as a cohort, you will be capable of achieving a level of success that you never thought possible.” stated Dr Bishop in her address to the soon-to-be Year 12 students of the College. 

“Every one of you has the capacity to be a wonderful leader. Always remember the great paradox of life is that the more you give, the more you receive in return.” 

As the Year 12 Head of Year for 2021, Mr Scott Jacka had the privilege of introducing the newly appointed College Captains. When introducing both Shea Unwin and Jared Smith, Mr Jacka was clear in saying that they were two extremely worthy Captains for Sheldon College.

“Since starting at the College, Shea has been involved in all areas of College life,” stated Mr Jacka when introducing her in her new role as the female College Captain for 2021. 

“Jared started attending Sheldon College back in Wonderland, has consistently achieved Academic Merit Awards and Subject Excellence Awards and truly excels in the sporting arena. “

When giving her first address as the soon-to-be College Captain, Shea challenged her peers to take on every opportunity with an open mind, overcome every hardship with an open heart and celebrate every milestone with open arms.

“What I am most looking forward to next year, is us all doing it together,” stated the 2021 Male School Captain, Jared Smith.   

The Senior Leaders for 2021 are as follows:

Shea Unwin
Jared Smith 

Zunairah Sinha
Hayden McKillop

Taylah Ashcroft
Lachlan Andrews
Madelize Breet
Rebecca Carmichael
Quinn Chambers
Zephram Chambers
Kaelan Durham
Georgia Harris
Natalia Hines
Innis Hooper
Ambrus Major
Hayden McKillop
Sophie Moman
Riley Niven
Kelli Oldfield
Taine Rossini
Jessica Thomsen
Timothy Vernon
Alana Warner
Isabel Williams

The College is confident that the new Captains, Vice-Captains and Prefects will do a wonderful job of leading those around them.