Fri, December 11, 2020

Head of Memory and Cognition, Mr Russell Bauer, has been working hard with the Year 2 and Year 4 students throughout the duration of Term 4.Together, Mr Bauer and the students have been exploring ‘Hot Wheels’ cars as a way of learning about the principles of acceleration, velocity, friction and gravity, as well as basic problem-solving skills.

Over the course of the Term, students worked hard to design a track that allowed the cars to travel around all of the desks in a particular classroom without stopping.

In completing this challenging yet engaging exercise, students were required to problem-solve, use their mathematical thinking skills, follow instructions and explore with trial-and-error principles. In the end, the students were successfully able to achieve their target of which they were all incredibly proud.

Thank you, Mr Bauer, for providing the students with an activity such as this one. It proved to be incredibly successful, not only as a learning tool, but also as an all-round fun-filled experience.

Please enjoy the video below.