Wed, July 29, 2020

The ‘Henny Penny Hatching’ program has provided a thrilling educational experience for Sheldon College Kindergarten students, by bringing the joy of watching eggs hatching, and chicks emerging from their shells, right to our classrooms.

Firstly, students observed fertilised eggs in an incubator then eagerly awaited the next stage of the chicken’s life cycle. They watched in awe as baby chicks started to peck their way through their shells, experiencing firsthand the magic of the hatchling breaking free at last, and taking the chick’s first steps into the world! 

Students have been fascinated by witnessing nature’s wonder unfold in front of their eyes! This has led to our Kindergarten students demonstrating their learning by engaging in visual art activities and dramatic play experiences. 

Each daily visit has taught the young students to care for the chicks until they are strong enough to be homed on local family farms. The children were able to hold the chickens, observe the changes in their feathers and feel the tickles that their feet caused when they were held. 

“The chicks have brought so many giggles and joy to all of us. Having the opportunity to care for them has given the children confidence and an understanding of the needs of other beings. We look forward to having Henny Penny back again next year, as it is one of our favourite programs.” remarked Miss Sarah Hutley, Kindergarten Teacher.