Tue, November 17, 2020

Congratulations to the Kindergarten Class of 2020.

All of the beautiful students graduated with the skills, knowledge and dispositions ready to enter Preparatory next year with confidence and enthusiasm. 

The College has put copious amounts of time and energy into preparing these Kindergarten children for the start of their futures. The teachers have worked hard to equip them with the life-long skills needed to prepare them for their journey towards adulthood. They have focused on guiding and moulding the leaders of tomorrow – for it is on them that the future will have to depend. 

This year has seen the Sheldon College Kindergarten students start their exceptional journey towards achieving this goal. They have each grown and developed exponentially, all learning so much and remaining eager and enthusiastic despite some of the challenges they, along with the rest of the world, faced this year.

Our thanks and appreciation go out to all the teachers, parents and staff members for the outstanding role that they have played in facilitating this remarkable process. 

As these young children move into their respective tomorrows with goals already achieved and more dreams still to aspire to, the College leaves behind the powerful words of Dr. Seuss – “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” 

We wish you every happiness for a wonderful holiday season filled with Love, Laughter and Learning.