Thu, July 30, 2020

Yesterday, students in 7B took a wrong turn when heading to Mr Campbell’s English class. Somehow, they ended up at the Mad Hatters Tea Party….

This Term, Year 7 English students are studying classic literature for the first time; specifically focusing on Lewis Carrol’s original novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, that was published in 1865, in order to support their explorations on the theme of Fantastic Worlds, and Fantasy Fiction.

Dressed in their craziest hats and equipped with their favourite riddles, students got to participate in their own Mad Hatter’s Tea Party in order to better connect with the character that they would soon have to analyze – The Mad Hatter.

“I wanted to integrate the novel into the learning, as meaningful learning sticks for children.” stated Mr Campbell, Head of Faculty – English and Languages, who had even gone to the effort of making students special tea party treats.

“It is such a unique way to study a novel, and a great example of the high calibre of teachers we are blessed to have at Sheldon College” commented Dr Lyn Bishop OAM, College Principal and Founder/CEO, who had the pleasure of briefly attending the Tea Party.

Sheldon College is delighted to have so many wonderful teachers who continually go above and beyond to provide their students with the best and most engaging learning experiences possible.