Wed, September 23, 2020

This year’s annual Spring Spectacular was held in a slightly different format from  previous years, with the show being pre-recorded and made available for families to view on the first weekend of the school holidays, due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Organised by the Director of Community Engagement, Mr Rick Samuels, and held each year for the Year 1 cohort, Spring Spectacular provides a multilayered learning experience. It is a celebration of Arts learning and therefore features musical performances, presentations, and art pieces. Usually, parents and family members attend this as a live event with children in waiter and waitress roles, serving food and beverages to parents as they enjoy the show.

Each year, families are also provided with gift bags that feature four symbolic gifts, the significance of which is interwoven throughout the show.

 The event is designed to build on the excellent curriculum implemented by each of the Year 1 Teachers, focusing on pastoral care concepts and understanding the importance of the Arts.

Students were even allowed to take their costumes home so that they could still wait on their parents, in order to allow them to experience what a real Spring Spectacular event should be like.