Fri, February 28, 2020
The Induction Ceremony for the Sheldon College Middle College Leaders of 2020 was held today in the Sheldon Event Centre. Family and friends of the proud recipients were in attendance as the successful candidates received their badges and read the Leaders' Pledge. 

Dr Lyn Bishop, Founder and Principal/CEO said: 

“I’d like to congratulate those students who have been appointed to these leadership positions, but also to those who applied for those positions in our CollegeLeadership is about influence and inspiration, and both of these come from the person, not the position. Leaders live under a microscope and what you do counts for more than what you say. As leaders of Middle College everything you say or do sends a message, sets a tone, or teaches people what to do and not to do. A leader's true greatness is found in bringing out greatness in others. Leaders will be responsible for setting the tone for Middle and Junior College students."

Miss Lauren Cossettini, Head of Year 8 said: 

"The leaders will fulfil many roles in our College and the wider community. For example, these young leaders will play a significant role in the running of College Assemblies. They will be responsible for the Year 8 and other College events, continue the Middle College Angel Tradition, and they will represent the College at events in the local community. 

The Middle College Leaders for 2020 are as follows;

Isabella Batista, Fletcher Copper, Clarisse Deck, Talei Godbold, Sebastian Hines, Gemma Hooper, Arya Iyer, Gregory MacNair, Flynn Mather, Liam Mawoyo, Isla McCreath, Mia Monteret, Lucy Norman, Billy O’Donovan, Jade Scullion, Bailey Singleton, Sophie Thomsen, Luke Wills.